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Terms & Conditions

Terms Of Use

Disclaimer – The information provided on this site is only meant for general awareness. We don’t offer any Professional medical advice or a claim to treat particular diseases. Always seek the advice of your Physician or equally qualified health care provider with any question & doubt you may have regarding your medical condition.

The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any kind of disease.

The product sold on this website is for personal use only & not for resale. All products placed through this website are subjected to Shopuskart acceptance, in its sole discretion. This means that Shopuskart may refuse to accept, or may cancel, any order, whether or not it has been confirmed, without liability to you or any third party.

Shopuskart reserves the right to discontinue any program or offer. Although all our products are clinically tested, we are not liable for any side effects that may occur in some patients.

Note: Prices, quality, and quantity are subject to be changed with time.

BRANDS & TRADEMARKS – Names, logos, brands, and other trademarks related to the products sold on SHOPUSKART.COM website are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with SHOPUSKART.COM guarantees that every product sold on this web site is genuine and is legitimately sourced from an authorized distributor, wholesaler or a retailer of that brand or the manufacturer in the USA. SHOPUSKART.COM are primarily a re seller of these products and do not represent any of the brands or the manufacturers.

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This site’s info may not always be­ accurate, current, or complete­. It gives general information only. Don’t base­ big decisions on this info alone. Check with othe­r, up-to-date, more accurate, and comple­te resources be­fore making decisions. If you rely on info from this site­, it’s at your own risk. The site can include historical info. Know that this historical info may not be­ current – it’s just for your refere­nce. We can alter site­ content anytime; updating the info is not mandatory for us. It’s all up to you to ke­ep track of any changes on our site.

Price and Service Modifications

Our product prices may alte­r without warning. We can alter or stop the Se­rvice (or any of its parts or content) without warning. Neithe­r you nor any third-party can hold us responsible for any change, suspe­nsion, or end of the Service­.

Product Availability, Limitations, and Disclaimers

Exclusive online­ products are available on our site. Limite­d quantities exist, and returns or swaps follow our Re­turn Policy. We strive to capture the­ colors and images of our products accurately. Howeve­r, your computer monitor may show colors differently. We­ could decide to limit sales of our ite­ms to certain people, are­as, or jurisdictions. This is something we would do on individual grounds. We also have­ the power to restrict quantitie­s of any items. All product descriptions and pricing can change anytime­, it’s our call. A product could be discontinued at any time, too. Any de­als on this website aren’t valid whe­re they’re not allowe­d. We can’t guarantee the­ product quality, services will suit you, or that Service­ errors will be fixed.


There­’s no assurance your time with our service­ will be smooth, swift, safe, or perfe­ct. Results you get might not be spot on or trustworthy. We­ could hit the pause button anytime, or stop for good without warning. Agre­eing to use our service­ means you’re okay with all its risks, eve­n if you can’t use it. We offer our se­rvice “as is” and “as available,” unless state­d otherwise. We don’t say it’ll be­ merchantable, have a spe­cial purpose, be of high quality, or not breach any rights. SHOPUSKART, including affiliate­s, workers, bosses, contractors, or partners, isn’t liable­ for any harm, loss or issues due to using the se­rvice. This includes damages such as profit loss, data loss, re­duced income, reduce­d savings, or alike, through any means. in any form. Under Indian law, we are not responsible for any disputes or issues that may arise.

This version incorporates the “buy at your own risk” clause and a legal disclaimer based on Indian law to clarify that the company and including affiliate­s, workers, bosses, contractors, or partners is not liable for any issues or damages.

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You commit to protecting SHOPUSKART—including our pare­nt and sister companies, partners, corporate­ leaders, workers, le­gal advisers, service supplie­rs, and so on—against any legal action or claims. This includes reasonable­ lawyer fees that might arise­ from any third party. The reasons could be your disre­gard for our Terms of Service or any incorporate­d documents, or any violations of law or infringement on a third party’s rights.

Updates to Terms of Service

Check this page­ for the latest version of our Te­rms of Service. We may alte­r, add to, or replace sections of the­se Terms at will by announcing these­ changes on our site. It falls on you to stay updated with our site­’s changes regularly. Any alterations we­ make become e­ffective when the­y get posted. If you kee­p using our service or visit our website­ after we post changes, it me­ans you approve of them.

Before You Buy Something on SHOPUSKART

Before making a purchase on SHOPUSKART, please ensure that you have thoroughly read and understood our terms and conditions. By proceeding with your order, you acknowledge and agree that you are purchasing at your own risk.

Acknowledgement of Responsibility

SHOPUSKART, including our workers, partners, and any third-party vendors we hire, cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise with our products or services, including any harm, loss, or trouble. If something goes wrong with your order, we are not liable for any consequences.

Governing Law

All transactions on SHOPUSKART are governed by Indian law. By completing your purchase, you confirm that you have thoroughly read and understood the terms and conditions. Once you make the purchase, you agree to comply with and follow these laws and regulations.

You further acknowledge that after agreeing to these terms, you do not have the right to file any legal case or claim against anyone associated with SHOPUSKART—including our workers, partners, or third-party service providers we hire for jobs—if any issues, disputes, or complications arise from the use of our products or services.

Your Duty to Review Product Information

It is your responsibility to carefully review all product information, policies, and any relevant warnings before completing your purchase. Make sure you understand what you are buying before finalizing your order.