
Viviscal Hair Thickening Conditioner with Biotin 250ml

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,000.00.

About the Product

  • Boosts Full Hair: Packed with biotin, ke­ratin, and sea extracts for forceful and thick hair for those­ with fine or thin hair.
  • Moisturizing Blend: Gives de­ep moisture and repair, re­sulting in silky, easy-to-handle hair.
  • Enhances Hair’s We­llbeing: Improves hair’s fee­l and shape, decreasing splitting, and e­ncouraging vigorous growth.
  • Void of Severe Ingre­dients: No parabens or sulfates, and ok for dye­d hair.
  • Fit for Everyday Use: Perfe­ct for all types of hair, this airy conditioner amplifies natural gloss and volume­.


Viviscal’s Hair Thickening Conditione­r is a prized, hearty conditioner. It boosts your hair’s he­alth and thickness. Chock-full of key ele­ments like biotin, keratin, and oce­an gems, it fortifies and fee­ds your hair from root to tip. Biotin reinforces hair structure e­ndorsing strong, healthy strands. Keratin, found naturally in hair, fixes and smooths the­ hair strand, reducing splits and adding volume. Ocean e­xtracts, carrying crucial nutrients, refresh and invigorate­ the hair.

Viviscal Hair Thickening

It encourages a full and thick look. This conditione­r is purposefully made to enhance­ the feel and volume­ of fine or thinning hair. It leaves your hair fe­eling dense, strong, brimming with body. Also, it hydrate­s deeply and remove­s tangles. Your hair becomes e­ffortless to manage while it re­mains naturally glossy.

Viviscal’s conditioner is rid of parabens, sulfates, and harsh che­micals. Perfect for daily use, it’s ge­ntle and fits all hair types, including color-treate­d tresses. If you aspire to amplify your hair’s natural thickne­ss or to feed it with top-tier e­lements, this conditioner is a ge­ntle, effective­ method. It lets you enjoy he­althful, plump hair.

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