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How to grow a beard by using the minoxidil?

How to grow a beard by using the minoxidil?

How to grow a beard by using the minoxidil?

How to grow a beard by using the minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a medication that encourages the growth of the hair. It has the potential to stop hair fall. It was made for a person suffering from high blood pressure, which is described as a Loniten. Patients take this medicine orally and they experienced that it promotes hair growth on the body as well. It has been stated by research “If you will apply this medicine on your scalp, it will enhance the growth of the hair”.

Right age to apply the minoxidil:

It is strictly advised that boys younger than 18 should not use this product. As the boys puberty stops at the age of 16-20, while many stops growing by the age of 22. Even at the age of 18 most people fail to grow a beard. The hair of beard won’t be as thick as older guy’s, However, it will be thin and patching. Stop using minoxidil if you are experiencing dehydration, weight gain, and bloating. This can be a side effect of this product. Thus, it is said that this can be hazardous to the boys of age 15.

Before using this product consult to your dermatologist once. and use it 1 mL of minoxidil twice a day for the better result.

Now you are mature enough to grow a beard and have that manly look. Minoxidil is also known as Rogaine hence it will fasten the growth of the hair. It has many generic ingredients like Equate, Kirkland, Tugain and so on.

Steps to be followed in the process of growing beard:

  • Face wash :

Before applying the minoxidil on your face, wash your face properly for this use face wash, which is gentle on your skin, or simply wash it with the water. As you wash your face it will remove all the dust particles and will be easy for you to use.

2- Make your face slightly wet with the towel:

According to some research, it has been observed that minoxidil works excellently on a slightly wet towel face. Make sure that your face should not be very wet nor it should be dry completely so keep it moist.

  • Apply minoxidil where you want your beard to grow:

Applying liquid Minoxidil:

  • Wash your face gently either with soap, which is suitable for your skin or with the water. Cleansing plays an important role before you use any product.
  • Before applying measure 1 mL with the help dropper included to the line.
  • Start applying the small drop of minoxidil where you want the growth of the beard and apply it until the applicators get empty. If your still wet and few amount of container is left then move further to step 4.
  • Either you use a dropper or your two fingers, gently rub the solution but put the little pressure.
  • Wash your hands with soap thoroughly.

Applying foam minoxidil:

: a- Thoroughly wash your face with soap suitable to your skin type or with water simply.

b- With the help of cold water engulf your two fingers; if your hands are warm then the foam will dissolve quickly in the water.

c- Reverse the can upside down apparently head of the can should be facing directly towards the ground. Unless it doesn’t look the amount that can be easily fit into the half cup of the can until then disunite the foam onto your fingers. This is equal to 1 mL.

d- Using another cold hand starts applying and take some foam apply it onto the areas where you want growth of the beard.

E-Thoroughly wash your hands with the soap.

4- Once you have sprayed gently rub the minoxidil on your face where you want beards to grow :

Rub the minoxidil gently onto the areas where you want the beard to grow to that area with either two fingers or dropper, once you have sprayed or dipper the minoxidil all around your face. You don’t have to put much pressure at all, make sure that where you want the growth of facial area more, there should be a thin layer.

5- Carefully wash your hands with soap:

Make sure that you have washed your hands thoroughly after you are done with applying minoxidil on your face or area where you want beards to grow, however, wash your hands thoroughly with the soap as you don’t want hair to grow on your finger.

Application of the minoxidil on your face:

The experts recommend that they apply minoxidil twice a day to achieve the desired result. It is preferred to use in the morning and evening should not be close together. It has recommended using on scalp as well if you experience baldness. For the best results apply it twice a day, thus, whenever you are convenient to apply it, make sure you avoid the application of the minoxidil during day time that is your working hours. Also, you can use this once per day, perhaps you will achieve the result a little bit slow, besides if you want better results then use it twice a day.

Which one is better Liquid minoxidil or foam minoxidil?

Many people believe that liquid minoxidil is better than foam minoxidil perhaps it is not. They both are said to be effective and best according to research. Liquid minoxidil is quite cheaper than foam one, hence in liquid minoxidil, it is easy to measure with the help of a dropper. Whereas Foam minoxidil doesn’t easily dry on your skin this is because it doesn’t have propylene glycol in it. and it is also 5 times faster. So experts recommend to use liquid one first if you can’t wait for 4 hours to dry later switch to the foam one.

Side Effects:

  • Unwanted hair (legs, scalp hair, arms, and scalp hair) especially unwanted growth of facial hair on your cheek and around the eyes.
  • Dizziness
  • Slight pain on your head and chest
  • Heart palpitation
  • Water retention
  • Dehydration
  • Disturbance in sleep cycle


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